What If Jesus Had a Blog?


  1. "Blessed Are the Keyboard Warriors? A Sermon on Online Humility"
  2. "Why Faith Without Action is Just a Hashtag"
  3. "Love Your Enemies—Even in the Comment Section"
  4. "Turning Water into Coffee: The Modern Miracle You’ve Been Praying For"
  5. "WWJP? (What Would Jesus Post?)"
  6. "5 Ways to Pray Before Hitting ‘Send’"
  7. "Dear Pharisees: Stop Twisting My Words"
  8. "Trending in Heaven: What Really Matters Beyond Likes & Shares"
  9. "When You Unfollow But I Still Love You"
  10. "Clickbait vs. Truth: The Battle for Your Soul"
  11. "Lost Sheep and Lost Passwords: Finding Your Way Back"
  12. "Cancel Culture vs. Grace: What Would I Do?"
  13. "Parables for the Digital Age"
  14. "‘Who Do You Say I Am?’ – And No, Google Won’t Help"
  15. "The WiFi is Weak, but the Spirit is Strong"
  16. "How to Carry Your Cross in the Social Media Age"
  17. "When Your Notifications Are More Important Than Your Devotions"
  18. "Let the One Without Sin Send the First Tweet"
  19. "From 12 Followers to Billions: How the Gospel Went Viral"
  20. "Why Your Prayer Life Needs an Update"
  21. "Breaking: Heaven is Still Hiring"
  22. "The Sermon on the Mount—Now in Blog Form!"
  23. "Humility: More Than Just a Good Instagram Caption"
  24. "Why Sunday Mornings Still Matter"
  25. "The Holy Spirit is Not an Algorithm"
  26. "You Can't Serve Two Masters—Especially Not Your Phone & God"
  27. "Would I Be on Your Podcast?"
  28. "Trending Now: The Kingdom of God"
  29. "When You Read the Bible More Than Your News Feed..."
  30. "Following Me is Free—But It’ll Cost You Everything"
  31. "‘But Everyone Else is Doing It’—A Lesson from Sodom & Gomorrah"
  32. "Faith Without Works is Like a Broken Link"
  33. "Building Your Spiritual Brand vs. Building the Kingdom"
  34. "Prayer Requests: My Inbox is Always Open"
  35. "When Your Bible App is Gathering Dust"
  36. "Why I'm Not Just a Historical Figure"
  37. "Doubt is OK—Just Bring It to Me"
  38. "Martha, Chill: Why Rest is Holy"
  39. "Fasting > Intermittent Fasting"
  40. "Heaven’s 5-Star Review System: ‘Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant’"
  41. "Faith is More Than a Status Update"
  42. "The Algorithm Won’t Save You"
  43. "‘He is Risen’ – The Original Breaking News"
  44. "Why I Still Dine with Sinners"
  45. "Spoiler Alert: The Ending of Revelation is a Happy One"
  46. "Your Body is a Temple, Not a Content Farm"
  47. "The ‘Narrow Road’ Has No Shortcuts"
  48. "Love Your Neighbor—Even If They Vote Differently"
  49. "When God Seems Silent—No, He Hasn’t Ghosted You"
  50. "Sin is Not a Trend That Fades"
  51. "How to Handle Criticism Like I Did"
  52. "The Rich Young Ruler Would Struggle with Online Shopping"
  53. "You Can't Photoshop a Pure Heart"
  54. "Why Gossip Disguised as ‘Prayer Requests’ is Still Gossip"
  55. "If You Knew Tomorrow Was Your Last Day, What Would You Post?"
  56. "Don’t Just Read My Words—Live Them"
  57. "You Don’t Need a New Year’s Resolution, You Need a New Heart"
  58. "Why I Didn’t Pick the Most Popular Disciples"
  59. "The Church is Not a Content Platform—It’s a Family"
  60. "Heaven is Not a Paywall"
  61. "More Than an Emoji: The Power of a Real ‘🙏’"
  62. "Social Media Can't Fill a Spiritual Void"
  63. "No, I’m Not Just ‘A Good Teacher’"
  64. "Why I Wouldn’t ‘Go Live’ Just for Attention"
  65. "Following Me: Not a One-Click Subscription"
  66. "No, You Can’t DM Me for Lottery Numbers"
  67. "Heaven’s Terms & Conditions: Love God, Love Others"
  68. "I’d Rather You Feed the Hungry Than ‘Like’ a Post About It"
  69. "The Road to Heaven is Not a Clickbait Headline"
  70. "Stop Trying to Impress People—Seek First the Kingdom"
  71. "The ‘Great Commission’ is Not a Side Hustle"
  72. "Sin Won’t Stop Being Sin Just Because It’s Popular"
  73. "You Can’t Buy Your Way to Heaven—But You Can Invest in Eternity"
  74. "Even in the Desert, I Didn’t Complain—Can You?"
  75. "Jesus vs. The Pharisees: The Original Internet Debate"
  76. "No, The Bible Isn’t Outdated"
  77. "If You Knew My Return Was Tomorrow, What Would You Change?"
  78. "God’s Grace is Bigger Than Your Past"
  79. "What If Your Life Was a Gospel Others Could Read?"
  80. "Don’t Let Fear of Man Keep You From Me"
  81. "I’m More Than Just a Christmas & Easter Story"
  82. "Loving Your Neighbor: Even When They Take Your Parking Spot"
  83. "Doubt Isn’t the End—It Can Lead You to Truth"
  84. "Why I Used Stories (And Why They Still Matter Today)"
  85. "You Are Not Your Worst Mistake"
  86. "No, Good Deeds Alone Won’t Save You"
  87. "What If You Prayed as Much as You Scrolled?"
  88. "Your Identity is in Me—Not in Your Social Media Bio"
  89. "Don’t Let Your Heart Be Hardened by the Comments Section"
  90. "Why It’s Easier to Critique Others Than Examine Yourself"
  91. "Even Judas Had the Best Teacher—Free Will is Real"
  92. "You Don’t Have to Earn My Love"
  93. "The Kingdom of God: Now Accepting All Who Repent"
  94. "When You’re Weary, Come to Me (Not Just Your Favorite Influencer)"
  95. "Salvation is Free, But It Will Cost You Your Life"
  96. "No, I Don’t Have an Exclusive VIP Club—All Are Welcome"
  97. "You Can’t Edit Out the Parts of the Gospel You Don’t Like"
  98. "The ‘Narrow Path’ is Not for the Faint of Heart"
  99. "My Love is Not Based on Your Performance"
  100. "I Will Always Leave the 99 for the One"

Would love to hear which ones you like!

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