Why did Jesus came on Earth?

It is a subject which is important for all of us, because it gives us a way to understand the ideal and purpose of our life. According to the Bible and other sacred scriptures, Jesus showed us the importance of love and grace and showed us how to love and empathize with others by changing ourselves.

The main reason for Jesus' coming was for him to obtain our salvation. He points us toward the divine love that sets us free, shows us a new path to a new life, and teaches us to seek support and connection with more and more people.

The arrival of Jesus was an important step in religious principles as well as in the social, economic and spiritual development of humanity. By making sacrifices he set an example for us as to how to enjoy service and how we should live with each other with love and understanding.

In his message, along with a deep understanding of religion and righteousness, Jesus also valued social justice, human rights, and responsibility for circumstances. He showed that we should move towards prosperity through our love and service, and need to provide empowerment and support in the society.

Another important purpose of Jesus' coming was to connect humanity with God's love and grace. They show us that our life does not end only in self-control and meditation, but we must be dedicated and loving to others.

Thus, the coming of Jesus leads us to a life rich in true love and mercy. His message has led us to see God as a companion and helper who leads our lives in a prosperous, empowering, and loving direction.

This is why we should consider the coming of Jesus important, because He takes us with that height and love that helps us encounter the purpose of our life.

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